The path forward

below terrence presents the use cases for the Lynchpin geometry in the telecommunications sector. We believe the benefits of this technology are apparent and we invite you to have a look alongside us into the future of this application!

The newly discovered geometry of the LynchPin® offers multi-dimensional applications to the telecommunications industry.


The LynchPin® has multiple configurations and applications.

Four dishes mounted within the structure of LynchPin® increases the aperture to 576 degrees.

With 12 independent dishes mounted inside each pentagonal space of the LynchPin® the aperture increases to 1728 degrees.

This configuration of the LynchPin® increases the aperture to 77,760 degrees.

Utilizing emergent technologies, each facet behaves as an independent lens calibrating an incoming wavelet.

Diagram of the netting associated with multidimensional telecommunications.

A terrestrial configuration that could potentially function in an orbital environment.

A new geometry provides a new approach for the transmission and reception of data.


We look forward to further exploration of the practical applications of the LynchPin® geometry.