The Lynchpin™

The Common Factor of all things.

Welcome to the Home of The New Paradigm.

It is our hope that here you will find a place of insight, information, and inspiration. We invite you to join us in a common goal: to expand our understanding of the common factor of all things that we call:



An exploration of the square root of two

Terrence Howard has long been a seeker of truth. In this three-dimensional plane the deepest and most important truths are also the most inconvenient for those who have pinned their careers, dreams, and identities to pillars upholding the status quo. It is from this angle that Terrence has endured a fair amount of criticism for simply asking the question: What is the true nature of the square root of the number two?

Science IS discovery. Science IS the willingness to cast aside even the most dearly held beliefs in the search for something deeper. Science IS shedding the ego so that one can wander naked into the unknown.

In response to a number of critical statements and critiques Terrence Howard would like you to take but a few moments to join him on a walk through an Exploration of the Nature of the Square Root of Two found in the video clip below.


The Vision

The Lynchpin plays a vital, fundamental role in the manifestation of our Universe. Join us as we explore the limitlessness of this most sacred of all geometries, and together let’s meet the future halfway.


The Competition

We are calling out to the greatest minds around the globe knowing that the right people will answer. We would love to add your unique genius to our team, if you are up to the task.

“what’s the one constitution that all things must abide by in order to exist, or to be measurable in our reality? The lynchpin marks that space. the unified field understanding realized. ”